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Important IRS Update: Significant Interest Penalty Increase for Tax Underpayments

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has recently announced a critical change that could significantly impact taxpayers who underpay their taxes. This update is particularly relevant as we approach the next tax filing season. Previously, the IRS charged a 3% interest penalty on estimated tax underpayments. However, this rate has now been increased to a substantial

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Will Inflation Hurt Stock Returns? Not Necessarily

Investors may wonder whether stock returns will suffer if inflation keeps rising. Here’s some good news: Inflation isn’t necessarily bad news for stocks. A look at equity performance in the past three decades does not show any reliable connection between periods of high (or low) inflation and US stock returns. Since 1993, one-year returns on

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Maximize Your Charitable Impact with These Four Strategies

As the year draws to a close, it’s a perfect opportunity to rethink how you give to charity. This is important for managing how much tax you pay and how much help reaches those in need. Here are four effective strategies: Need Guidance? Reach Out to Us! These strategies are just a starting point. There

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How To Prepare Mentally To Sell Your Business

Maybe you’re thinking ahead about retirement or are simply no longer challenged by what’s offered in your business. Perhaps there is someone ready in waiting, ready and waiting to step into the role of leader, such as a family member, or a trusted employee. But financial considerations and simply feeling like it is the right time don’t address all of the mental challenges associated with stepping away from your business. For many business owners selling their company is one of the biggest events in their life.

Without the right mental preparation to sell the company, the wholesale can feel very overwhelming, and this can represent a big change in your day-to-day schedule. Some of the best ways to approach the process of mentally preparing to sell your company include:

  • Consider the reasons that ultimately motivated you to select this transition. Think about how you can start putting pieces of those in place now. For example, if you intend to retire, what are three things you’d like to accomplish in the first 90 days of your retirement.
  • Think about the journey and appreciate some of the steps you might encounter along the way. What represents a gradual transition for you? It may be possible that fully stepping out of the business is not in your best interests, and you may wish to continue in the industry as a consultant or even in a part-time role within the company to assist with the transition purpose.
  • Think about yourself and your values.
  • Learn from other people’s experiences.
  • Have a plan for six months after the sale.

All of these strategies can help you to adjust to the possibility of selling your business and move into your new role, whatever it may be, with success. Ready to take your next steps? Contact our firm for support with the financial transition.